How to Add ChanServ to Your IRC Channel on Freenode

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To add ChanServ to your IRC channel on Freenode, follow these steps:

1. Register your channel: Before you can add ChanServ to your channel, you need to register it. To do this, join the channel and type "/msg ChanServ register #channel-name password description", replacing #channel-name with the name of your channel, password with a password you choose, and description with a brief description of your channel.

2. Identify yourself: After registering your channel, you need to identify yourself to ChanServ so that you can perform administrative tasks. Type "/msg NickServ identify password", replacing password with the password you chose when registering your nickname.

3. Add ChanServ to your channel: Once you've registered and identified yourself, you can add ChanServ to your channel. Type "/msg ChanServ op #channel-name", replacing #channel-name with the name of your channel. ChanServ will join the channel and have operator privileges.

4. Set channel modes: After adding ChanServ to your channel, you can set various channel modes to control who can join and speak in the channel. For example, you can use the "+m" mode to make the channel moderated, meaning only users who are voiced or have operator status can speak. Type "/msg ChanServ mode #channel-name +mode", replacing #channel-name with the name of your channel and mode with the desired mode.

That's it! ChanServ is now added to your IRC channel on Freenode and you can use it to perform administrative tasks and control access to the channel.