How to Access the Happy Home Showcase in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

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To access the Happy Home Showcase in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Upgrade your house: In order to access the Happy Home Showcase, you must first upgrade your house at least once from the starting tent to a small house.

2. Connect to the internet: Ensure that your Nintendo 3DS is connected to the internet via Wi-Fi. This is necessary to access the Happy Home Showcase.

3. Visit the post office: Go to the post office in your town and talk to Pelly or Phyllis at the counter.

4. Select "HH Showcase": When you talk to Pelly or Phyllis, one of the options they will give you is to visit the Happy Home Showcase. Select this option.

5. Enter the showcase: Once you select the Happy Home Showcase option, you will be taken to a street with several houses. These houses belong to other players who have connected to the internet and shared their homes with the community.

6. Visit the houses: You can enter the houses and see how the other players have decorated them. You can also order items from the homes' owners by interacting with their in-game mailbox.

Note that the Happy Home Showcase is only available once per day, and it is updated every time a new player connects to the internet and shares their home.