How to BXR in Halo

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BXR is a technique in Halo 2 that allows players to quickly and efficiently take down opponents in close quarters combat. Here's how to perform BXR in Halo:

1. Equip a Battle Rifle or Magnum. 2. Get in close proximity to your opponent. 3. Melee your opponent (B button on Xbox controller) to stun them. 4. Quickly follow up with an immediate weapon switch (X button on Xbox controller) to your secondary weapon (usually a shotgun) and fire it. 5. Finally, switch back to your primary weapon (Battle Rifle or Magnum) and fire it.

This sequence of actions, performed quickly and accurately, will allow you to take down an opponent in just a few seconds, especially if you land all of your shots.

It's worth noting that BXR is a highly technical move that requires precise timing and execution, so it may take some practice to master. However, once you get the hang of it, BXR can be a powerful tool in your Halo 2 arsenal.