
Basic Information

  • Title: 同程网
  • Description: 提供酒店、特价机票、景点门票、旅游度假、演出票务、租车预订服务。
  • Online Since: 17-Aug-1995

How fast does ly.com load?

  • Fast (0.972 Seconds), 27% of sites are faster.

Additional Information

  • Adult Content: None
  • Primary Language: en (Encoding: us-ascii)
  • Owned Domains: Includes [('ly.net',)]

Sites Linking In编辑

What sites link to ly.com?

  • Total Sites Linking In: 1,535
Site Page
zhihu.com https://link.zhihu.com/?target=http://job.ly.com
163.com https://you.163.com/friendLink
alipay.com https://jf.alipay.com/page/fanli.htm
so.com https://baike.so.com/doc/111690-117820.html
360.cn https://go.360.cn/website
tencent.com https://security.tencent.com/index.php/about
zol.com.cn https://lcd.zol.com.cn/topic/7279410.html
chinaz.com https://icp.chinaz.com/ly.com
360doc.com https://360doc.com/content/21/1206/16/48431456_1007415628.shtml
mi.com https://app.mi.com/details?id=com.tongcheng.android
bendibao.com https://linyi.bendibao.com/traffic/202262/13102.shtm
gitee.com https://gitee.com/icarusion/iview
oschina.net https://git.oschina.net/icarusion/iview
npmjs.com https://npmjs.com/package/gy-iview
europa.eu https://cordis.europa.eu/event/id/149036-hydra-xiii-summer-school-on-stem-cells-regenerative-medicine
maigoo.com https://m.maigoo.com/citiao/3677.html
marriott.com https://marriott.com/en-us/hotels/cansm-shunde-marriott-hotel/overview
jiwu.com https://nj.jiwu.com/news
constantcontact.com https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Survivors-of-Incarceration-Join-Hearts-and-Hands.html?soid=1127606005680&aid=nnDgSUWOTfw
cas.cn https://xtbg.cas.cn/lyxx/ecom/201009/t20100910_2960999.html

Contributing Subdomains编辑

Where do visitors go on ly.com?

Subdomain Percent of Visitors Percent of PageViews PageViews Per User
ly.com 84.98%% 76.81%% 2.0
member.ly.com 7.36%% 6.65%% 2
passport.ly.com 9.25%% 5.27%% 1
bus.ly.com 5.82%% 2.57%% 1
OTHER 0% 8.70%% 0

Usage Statistics编辑

Data Rank Reach of PerMillion PageViews of PerMillion PageViews of PerUser
3-Month 12286 (-5135) 65 (+86%) 3.4 (+5%) 1.9 (-43.60%)
1-Month 11306 (-4412) 67 (+30%) 4.1 (+75%) 2.3 (+40%)
7-Day 9300 (-1965) 74 (+5%) 6.6 (+60%) 3.4 (+50%)
1-Day 8150 (+2559) 100 (-14.45%) 6.6 (-11.75%) 3 (+3%)

Traffic History编辑

Date Rank Reach of PerMillion PageViews of PerMillion PageViews of PerUser
2019-12-14 21092 20 9.6 10.00
2019-12-15 263678 3 0.1 1.00
2019-12-16 35157 20 1 2.00
2019-12-18 124080 9 0.2 1.00
2019-12-19 298887 3 0.09 1.00
2019-12-20 171401 6 0.2 1.00
2019-12-21 139777 4 0.6 5.00
2019-12-24 244645 4 0.1 1.00
2019-12-29 29978 20 2 3.00
2019-12-30 53091 20 0.6 1.00
2019-12-31 279802 3 0.1 1.00
2020-01-01 277631 3 0.09 1.00
2020-01-08 421325 2 0.06 1.00
2020-01-10 487330 2 0.05 1.00
2020-01-11 23979 20 4 6.00
2020-01-12 27348 30 2 2.00
2020-01-13 56033 20 0.5 1.00

Data Source and Validity编辑

The information is sourced from Amazon's Alexa Top Sites service. It's important to note that this service was discontinued as of May 15, 2022. The data presented is collected up to the final day of API interface availability, which was December 15, 2022.

Alternative Tools and Recommendations编辑

If you are an SEO professional, it is recommended to utilize platforms such as Semrush, Ahrefs, or Similarweb for comprehensive data analytics. For those solely interested in website rankings, Cloudflare Radar serves as a suitable alternative.