

Basic Information

  • Title: KOMPAS.com
  • Description: Berita Indonesia terkini terpercaya, dan terpopuler, politik, ekonomi, tekno, otomotif, dan olahraga ditulis lengkap dan akurat
  • Online Since: 18-Dec-1995

How fast does kompas.com load?

  • Slow (1.965 Seconds), 65% of sites are faster.

Additional Information

  • Adult Content: None
  • Primary Language: id-ID (Encoding: windows-1252)
  • Keywords: ['Berita', 'Koran']
  • Owned Domains: Includes [('mehompy.com',), ('pasangiklan.com',)]

Sites Linking In編輯

What sites link to kompas.com?

  • Total Sites Linking In: 6,086
Site Page
twitter.com https://blog.twitter.com/in_id/a/id/2016/twitter-kemala-permudah-layani-pengaduan-warga
reddit.com https://i.reddit.com/user/sebatsdulu.compact
yahoo.co.jp https://news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/kazuhirotaira/20210910-00257542
apple.com https://apps.apple.com/id/app/kompas-com-berita-terpercaya/id535483055
fandom.com https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/First_Day_of_Rule
mail.ru https://auto.mail.ru/article/69441-suzuki-razdelit-svoi-modeli-na-obyichnyie-i-molode
t.me https://t.me/s/skydrugzstock/1068
cnn.com https://edition.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9906/07/indonesia.elex.02
bbc.co.uk https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4019119.stm
fc2.com https://apex.blog22.fc2.com/blog-entry-244.html
samsung.com https://r1.community.samsung.com/t5/galaxy-gallery/kota-ambarawa-dibalik-persawahan/td-p/11589700
dailymail.co.uk https://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3340798/Driver-24-hangs-wrecked-Lamborghini-texting-crash.html
mozilla.org https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Evangelism/iPhoneAndroidTargetSites
line.me https://today.line.me/id/v2/article/6wZrrv
globo.com https://revistacrescer.globo.com/Educacao-Comportamento/noticia/2021/04/pai-registra-filho-como-departamento-de-comunicacao-e-estatistica-na-indonesia.html
indiatimes.com https://indiatimes.com/trending/wtf/injured-groom-attends-wedding-in-shorts-537816.html
hp.com https://hp.com/id-en/shop/personal-laptops-hp-spectre-x360-folio
cambridge.org https://cambridge.org/core/journals/asian-journal-of-comparative-law/article/indonesias-omnibus-law-on-job-creation-legal-hierarchy-and-responses-to-judicial-review-in-the-labour-cluster-of-amendments/3F547D86D2D559A10AD212AD3C122E18
wordpress.org https://id.wordpress.org/support/topic/cara-modif-default-pagination-page-break
asus.com https://rog.asus.com/phones/rog-phone-5-model

Contributing Subdomains編輯

Where do visitors go on kompas.com?

Subdomain Percent of Visitors Percent of PageViews PageViews Per User
kompas.com 56.34%% 39.93%% 1.53
nasional.kompas.com 12.73%% 9.36%% 1.6
megapolitan.kompas.com 9.25%% 7.01%% 1.6
money.kompas.com 10.22%% 6.01%% 1.3
regional.kompas.com 8.16%% 5.69%% 1.5
tekno.kompas.com 8.91%% 5.41%% 1.3
bola.kompas.com 7.24%% 5.34%% 1.6
otomotif.kompas.com 3.99%% 2.61%% 1.4
bandung.kompas.com 3.36%% 2.23%% 1.4
health.kompas.com 3.77%% 2.10%% 1.2
travel.kompas.com 3.08%% 1.86%% 1.3
lifestyle.kompas.com 2.42%% 1.46%% 1.3
amp.kompas.com 2.62%% 1.28%% 1.1
video.kompas.com 1.87%% 1.05%% 1.2
asset.kompas.com 1.62%% 0.94%% 1.3
indeks.kompas.com 1.71%% 0.85%% 1.1
surabaya.kompas.com 1.30%% 0.83%% 1.4
yogyakarta.kompas.com 1.17%% 0.77%% 1.4
entertainment.kompas.com 1.12%% 0.57%% 1.1
account.kompas.com 0.53%% 0.50%% 2.0
internasional.kompas.com 0.86%% 0.46%% 1.2
edukasi.kompas.com 0.77%% 0.41%% 1.1
news.kompas.com 0.73%% 0.36%% 1.1
buku.kompas.com 0.60%% 0.28%% 1.0
denpasar.kompas.com 0.44%% 0.27%% 1.3
properti.kompas.com 0.50%% 0.26%% 1.1
kolom.kompas.com 0.13%% 0.26%% 4.2
biz.kompas.com 0.41%% 0.24%% 1.3
search.kompas.com 0.21%% 0.24%% 2.4
dummy.kompas.com 0.12%% 0.14%% 2
makassar.kompas.com 0.24%% 0.13%% 1.2
medan.kompas.com 0.25%% 0.12%% 1.1
sains.kompas.com 0.24%% 0.12%% 1.1
vik.kompas.com 0.12%% 0.09%% 2
trac.kompas.com 0.07%% 0.08%% 2
ohayojepang.kompas.com 0.13%% 0.07%% 1
umkm.kompas.com 0.13%% 0.07%% 1
play.kompas.com 0.12%% 0.06%% 1
superapps.kompas.com 0.13%% 0.06%% 1
studiohub.kompas.com 0.04%% 0.05%% 3
foto.kompas.com 0.08%% 0.05%% 1
OTHER 0% 0.43%% 0

Usage Statistics編輯

Data Rank Reach of PerMillion PageViews of PerMillion PageViews of PerUser
3-Month None (None) 457 (+0.3%) 27.2 (-1.15%) 2.20 (-1.35%)
1-Month None (None) 444 (-2.56%) 26 (-6.856%) 2.15 (-4.44%)
7-Day None (None) 423 (-9.903%) 23.2 (-11.29%) 2.05 (-1.44%)
1-Day None (None) 490 (+20%) 24 (+20%) 2.1 (-1.41%)

Traffic History編輯

Date Rank Reach of PerMillion PageViews of PerMillion PageViews of PerUser
2019-12-14 129 400 24 1.90
2019-12-15 133 400 26 2.10
2019-12-16 113 560 29 2.00
2019-12-17 113 470 27.2 2.10
2019-12-18 128 450 30 2.40
2019-12-19 130 430 27.1 2.20
2019-12-20 121 400 25 2.20
2019-12-21 143 360 25 2.20
2019-12-22 151 350 23 2.00
2019-12-23 127 460 31 2.40
2019-12-24 131 450 26 1.90
2019-12-25 135 420 26 2.00
2019-12-26 111 530 31 2.00
2019-12-27 117 500 34.8 2.50
2019-12-28 138 340 23 2.20
2019-12-29 129 370 26 2.20
2019-12-30 120 420 27.5 2.30
2019-12-31 128 370 29 2.60
2020-01-01 123 410 30 2.30
2020-01-02 123 510 30.2 2.20
2020-01-03 125 500 31.3 2.30
2020-01-04 102 470 30 2.00
2020-01-05 110 400 29 2.30
2020-01-06 91 620 35.8 2.20
2020-01-07 85 520 34.5 2.50
2020-01-08 83 580 35.8 2.40
2020-01-09 78 520 34.9 2.50
2020-01-10 91 520 35.4 2.40
2020-01-11 107 380 24 2.00
2020-01-12 107 430 30 2.20
2020-01-13 91 540 33 2.30

Data Source and Validity編輯

The information is sourced from Amazon's Alexa Top Sites service. It's important to note that this service was discontinued as of May 15, 2022. The data presented is collected up to the final day of API interface availability, which was December 15, 2022.

Alternative Tools and Recommendations編輯

If you are an SEO professional, it is recommended to utilize platforms such as Semrush, Ahrefs, or Similarweb for comprehensive data analytics. For those solely interested in website rankings, Cloudflare Radar serves as a suitable alternative.